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Wed, 26 Mar


The Brunswick

Post Punk Electro Funk + guests Minor Dents and Ardler Saint 8pm (Cellar Bar) £5


When & Where

26 Mar 2025, 20:00

The Brunswick, 1 Holland Rd, Brighton and Hove, Hove BN3 1JF, UK

More Info


Steve Lamaqc called Brighton based 4 piece ‘Hük’ a more malevolent LCD soundsystem’ which is probably a pretty good description…

Going for an ‘Issac Hayes / Talking Heads smoothie jacked up to a car battery’ vibe, Hük bring their unique take on post punk electro funk to The Brunswick with dirty synths, frazzled guitar,  heavy grooves and shortwave radio vocals.

Come see them bring light to the darkness with the calming glow of a council strip light.

Supported by the marvellous

Minor Dents who will slowly restore you back to your original space and position using tiny, precise pushes and taps. Cosmic body and soul repair!

Ardler Saint - See the Saint work his magic blend of Cyber Dub, Modular Synth mayhem and live percussion. The Saint will also be DJing the evening with an unhinged set of post punk, dub, electro and industrial tea time favourites.

8pm (Cellar Bar)


Over 18's


Ticket holders can enjoy 20% off food for 2 hours before doors!

Book a table in our Main Bar to enjoy a pre show meal! 

Or call: 01273 733984

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